90 Day Innovation Challenge

90-day-innovation-challenge-australiaNational leaders, corporate executives, not-for profit boards, and small business owners are saying Innovation is  important to sustainable success – it seems to be talked about everywhere.  And if it is important to your success, the question is – how do you make Innovation happen?  Here’s just one way you might start…

This specially tailored Innovation Facilitation process is focused, interactive and supported throughout by Mindwerx International’s Innovation Facilitator and Co-founder Bill Jarrard.

Each Innovation Challenge is designed to fit your needs and focus area, and we’ve found that 90 days is short enough to stay focused and long enough to get results.

Below is a guide to how it might play out…


Stage One: Define the Challenge

Define the Challenge – We meet with you to discuss areas of opportunity and discuss what success looks like. From this a Target Focus for the challenge is developed and you start to consider who will be involved.

Stage Two: Explore the situation

The aim is to gain an appreciation of what is happening now, so the next stage is most effective.  This will be done before and during the next stage teams workshop.

Here you will also confirm who will be involved in the challenge and start engaging them in the process.

Stage Three: Teams Ideation workshop

This is generally a 1-2-day workshop with a group of up to 50 invited participants. The facilitated workshop is fast paced, interactive and aims to generate lots of useful ideas, that teams start to develop into potentially innovative areas of interest to work on further.

Stage Four: Design Potential Solutions

Participants are back at work, usually working in cross-functional teams started in stage 3.  Their goal is to develop ideas into potential solutions.  Leadership is vital throughout this period so that teams maintain focus, and are given the time and resources to achieve your goals. We assist you with regular facilitated team gatherings, to allow a sharing of experiences and ideas that propel teams along.

Stage Five: Implementation & Showcasing

The 90-Day Innovation Challenge is coming to an end, and it will be time to Showcase team progress, hear recommendations, confirm approvals, and celebrate everyone’s success. We work with you so this vital stage is orchestrated in a way that promotes ongoing creativity and innovation.

Post- Challenge

Now you will have seen, in action, how to make innovation happen, and the next steps are yours.  And if we’ve lived up to expectations, we’d be delighted to continue to work with you.

Want more information?  Download the PDF on the 90-Day Innovation Challenge and email Bill direct at bill@mindwerx.com