
About Bill Jarrard

Bill is co-founder of Mindwerx International, and the Buzan Centre Australia. His focus is on providing education, training, and facilitation to help individuals and organisations to Think, Learn, and Innovate better.

Mind Map Art

Paul Foreman co-founder of — a Mind Mapping website that showcases the world's finest Mind Maps and Mind Map artists sent us an email recently, to ask us to contribute our hand-drawn Mind Maps to the site.  Of course we are

By |2016-11-22T00:21:10+11:00March 11th, 2011|Creative Thinking, Innovation|0 Comments

Dr W Edwards Deming 14 Points

In the mid-1980s many organisations in Australia embraced the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM), and while some struggled with it, others made significant inroads to improving product and service quality.  Behind this 'movement' were a number of Critical Thinking explorers including

By |2016-11-22T00:21:10+11:00January 1st, 2011|Articles, Leadership|0 Comments