
DCI-03 Areas Of Opportunity And Focus

elearning-module-dci-03-mind-mappingGet started with DCI-03 Areas Of Opportunity And Focus. To think well you need to give your brain something worth thinking about.  Most people have a To Do List which keeps them busybut we also need a To Think About List to stay focussed on the important things.  Then we need to give ourselves optional ways to focus that thinking.  Learn to do that in this important eModule. 

  • 4 videos totalling 41 mins
  • Finding areas of opportunity
  • Open and target Focus,  multiple definitions and focus statements
  • The Red Car List for directing thinking
  • Exercise – Develop you own ‘Red Car’ List

Once you have some worthwhile things to think about, and multiple pathways to take to do that thinking, you will be set to be ultra creative.  This could be the most important eModule you take.