Project Description

Women In Leadership

If you are Australian and in particular from Victoria you could not help knowing Joan Kirner, former state premier.

Indeed even a basic knowledge of Current affairs would have exposed you to very talented woman who have been leaders in their chosen field from all walks of life. And let us not forget the hidden heroine’s who stood behind there husband or partner.

From Queen Boadicea to the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain and in recent history Hilary Clinton who made a valiant effort to become the first Female President of the USA. There have been many unsung heroines.

Creation date: 19 Jun 2002
Author’s name: Jennifer Goddard
Organisation: Mindwerx

Jennifer is Tony Buzan’s master trainer in Mind Mapping.  If you’d like to work with Jennifer she does a lot of coaching on Mind Mapping, Speed Reading and Memory.  And she is a great presenter for your next conference.  If you’d like to work with her email us at

Mind Maps as developed by Tony Buzan are now used by millions of people globally, and this is another good example.  At Mindwerx we love Mind Mapping, and have free eCourses, Online programs and in-house workshops we can deliver for your organisation. Check out our Advanced Learning Skills programs.

Mindwerx International also facilitates a range of critical and creative thinking programs, including several workshop looking at Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hat®, Lateral Thinking, and DATT.  The aim is to help you Think, Learn, and Innovate better.

And we can facilitate strategic thinking workshops with executive teams, run innovation scums, and guide you on our benchmark 90-Day Innovation Challenge.  Contact us for more information at