I have a stack of books on creativity on my bookshelfs.  All have taken a different, dare I say creative, approach to explaining creativity.  From where I am sitting  I can see …
Tony Buzan’s “Power of Creative Intelligence”
Edward de Bono’s “Serious Creativity”

Robert Alan Black’s Broken Crayons

John Kao’s “Jamming – The art and discipline of business creativity”
Betty Edwards “Drawing on the Right Side of the brain”
Michael Michalko’s “Thinker Toys” and “Cracking Creativity”
Michael Gelb’s “How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci”
Ned Herrmann’s “The Whole Brain Business Book”
Bob Eckert and Jonathan Vehar “More Lighting Less Thunder”
Robert Epstein’s “The big book of creativity games”
Jeff DeGraff and Katherine Lawrence “Creativity at Work”
Brian Clegg and Paul Birch’s “Crash Course in Creativity” and “Instant creativity – simple techniques to ignite innovation and problem solving”
Charles Handy’s “Beyond Certainty”
Chris Barez-Brown ” How to have kick-ass ideas
Robert Pike’s “Creative Training Techniques handbook”
Peter Leong’s “I can cre8!”
Rosemary Herceg and Tim Flattery’s “Ideas generation – tools for being constantly fresh, creative and original (which does not have one image, picture or diagram in 266 pages)
“The Creative Edge- Strategies for 24/7 creativity” by Robyn Henderson, Rod Matthews, Emma Robertson, Karen Smith, Dr Irena Yashin-Shaw
Ng Aik Kwang’s “Why Asians are less creative than westerners”
Gary Bertwistle’s “The Keys to creativity – How to unlock your imagination and creative potential”
Kurt Hanks and Jay Parry’s ” Wake up your creative Genius”
“How to start a creative revolution at work” by Dave Allan, Matt Kingdon, Kris Murrin and Daz Rudkin


What creativity books or articles have you read??

Is it helpful just having a list or would your creativity be more stimulated with detailed summaries??