While travelling in London Underground today I noticed the vital importance of colour for communication. It is so much easier to follow the different routes in colour.


But what if the map of the London Underground was in Black and White?


Single colour or monotone is often confusing and ‘monotonous’ i.e. boring

Do you write your thoughts down on blue lined paper with a blue pen?


Good communications require a road map of thinking and colour to understand the different relationships


Mind Maps are the perfect form of communication – fast, efficient and effective

Ideal for quick and well thought out Business Planning (http://www.mindwerx.com/mex/mind-map/software/1981/sme-business-plan-mind-map)

You can hand draw Mind Maps or use computer software like iMindMap (download a free trial)

In Tony Buzan’s definitive definition of Mind Maps, he shares the importance of colour:-

“Colours do the opposite of monochromatic notes – they help the brain tune in, switch on and open up the brain!

Colour is attractive – that which is attractive entices the brain to connect to it. Colour therefore engages association, concentration and focus.

Colour is a Von Restorff tool: Automatically provides Von Restorff – highlighting (see Most Important Graph in the World for information on Von Restorff).

Colour stimulates and awakens hundreds and millions of neurons in the cortex, especially the occipital lobe. Thus for your hundreds of millions of your “civil servants”, rather than slothing in bed all day, colour stimulates them  to come immediately to work for you!

Colour reduces stress and promotes calm and peacefulness.

Colour is a prime coding tool.

Colour assists the brain in discriminating, organising, structuring and clustering.

All of the above are significant factors in the psychological theories of memory, creativity and learning. Colour therefore enhances all of these three areas.

Colour stimulates positive and selected emotions.

A bunch of coloured pens is a Magic Wand of intellectual power – more powerful than Harry Potter’s wand!” 


I’m passionate about Mind Mapping and in our public workshops I show participants how to make Mind Mapping one of the most effective tools to organizing their thinking.

If you want to improve your study skills, your ability to manage information overload at work, to plan and work more effectively, we cover it all in our courses.

And for our corporate client programs we tailor Mind Mapping courses to show your people how to integrate this fabulous planning technique into day to day operations.

And lastly I like nothing better than working one-on-one with focussed individuals who see mentoring and coaching as a great way to get ahead.

Having been mentored myself by people like Tony Buzan, I know the power if having a great coach. 

If you’d like to chat about how we can work together email me anytime jennifer@mindwerx.com.