Successful people understand and manage the three basic elements of learning…

  • their Strategy for Reading
  • their Comprehension of what they’re reading
  • and their ability to Recall and use information coming in.

When you understand how this three-legged stool of learning is enhanced you too will have the key to learning success.
Reading strategy – understand why you want to read something, what’s your purpose, what you want to gain, and then choose your strategy for reading the material.

Comprehension – your ability to understand what you’re reading while you read it is dependent on a range of things, from your familiarity with the material to your verbal intelligence.

Recall – remembering key concepts, principles, ideas, theories and being able to connect them with what you want to do is the whole point of learning. Then of course you need to organize and creatively apply what you’ve learnt.

The challenge of developing advanced learning skills varies for different age groups and is based on what you are trying to achieve, and we recommend everyone at any age spends some time each day developing these skills.

When you know How to Learn effectively, you enjoy the whole learning process while dramatically enhancing your success systems.


Professional Development to Get Ahead

Jennifer and I regularly run a series of public face to face programs that help people to Think, Learn and Innovate.  They run at different times of the year in major cities in Australia and New Zealand depending on demand.  Current public programs are scheduled for Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.  You can get all the dates and locations on our website Training Programs page.

And for organisation looking for in-house training we offer a wider range of programs that we tailor to your specific needs and people.  See what’s available and email me for more information