Tips & Tools to Manage Information Overload

Information_Overload_0Information Overload, described as “an excess of information that results in an inability to concentrate on tasks and stay focused”, is a massive problem in the 21st Century, costing an estimated $900 Billion dollars each year in the USA alone.

Every day, people are confronted by vast amounts of new information flowing towards them from a multitude of sources.  Almost everyone feels overwhelmed at some point when trying to absorb, understand and apply this new information.   The impact on individuals varies from simple time wasting to serious health problems, while for organisations the effect is compounded into a massive loss of productivity.

The key to sustainable high performance is to be strategic with your time and develop deliberate habits that constantly move you towards your goals.

Here are Ten Tips and Tools to help you Manage Information Overload which you can read details on by dowloading the attached PDF file.

  1. Visualise where you want to be
  2. Reduce multi-tasking
  3. Create Knowledge Files
  4. Improve your Reading Skills
  5. Only check email twice a day, use filters and folders
  6. Use Mind Maps® to take and make notes
  7. Be more effective in meetings
  8. Improve your memory
  9. Embrace iBrain technologies to increase Digital Literacy
  10. Be strategic with Social Networking


Mindwerx also offers a free email eCourse with a 14-page White Paper that goes behind the scenes on Information Overload and explore how you can be better at Managing Information Overload to achieve and sustain High Performance Thinking and Learning.