2011 has been an exciting and eventful year for the team at Mindwerx and The Buzan Centre.  We’ve worked with lots of new clients, developed some exciting new program, travelled a lot as usual and hopefully added real value to those people we’ve interacted with.

So many things have happened it would be hard to explore them in a short time, but we wanted to put something together to hopefully capture the essense of our year.  So below is a 2 minute video that tries to do just that – we hope you enjoy it.

Of course reflecting on 2011 isn’t just about us, and we’ve been thinking a lot about all the people we’ve come in contact with, from clients to our friends in Rotary, to colleagues and those we’ve tried to help over long distances.

So we hope that you have had a wonderful year and that you are able to reflect on all the good things that have happened.  Have a fantastic Holiday Season and a Very Happy New Year.