What is Rotary International and why join it?

You may have seen Jennifer’s Blog and Mind Map on how to organise a Sausage Sizzle – the Mind Map is now a Google Search hit for anyone looking for help on planning such an event.

But do you know what Rotary is all about?

Too many people think it is just ‘old guys, doing boring stuff’.  But nothing could be further from the truth.

Like all Volunteer organisations Rotary has thrived for 106 years by being creative, innovative and dynamic.

Jennifer and I have only been involved for about a year now, but I am amazed at everything 1,202,000 Rotarians in more than 200 countries do and so much of it is youth focussed.

The big contribution of course has been the End Polio Nowcampaign, that saw Rotary contribute almost $100M in 2009-10alone.

When Rotary started more than 40 countries were being ravaged by Polio – today there are 3, and we will not stop until it has been eradicated.

To demonstrate just how important this cause is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $355M to Rotary, and Bill Gates said:

“The world would not be where it is without Rotary and it won’t get where it needs to go without Rotary.”

We agree.  To learn more about Rotary have a look at a short Introduction to Rotary video I produced and Jennifer’s Mind Map summary of my presentation. 

Rotary-Membership overview

And if you like what you see, contact your local Rotary Club and get along to one of their meetings to see what they are all about.  It is a great way to meet commited creative people.

Want to know even more?  Go to www.rotary.org and www.rotarydownunder.com.au