PURPOSE: –   Clarify your purpose, goals and objectives!
Ask … Why am I attending? What do I hope to gain/learn?

PREPARE: –   Have I arrived prepared to take part, reviewed the agenda, etc.
Is there any quick research I need to do before attending?

ENGAGE: –   Be present, listen, actively engage with speakers and other participants.
Keep my phone off. Who can I meet/connect with?

MIND MAP: –   Take notes of key points, issues, ideas and actions using the Mind Map Pad
in your pack. Do my Mind Map notes show the big picture as well as detail?
Should I do it by hand or using iMindMap? (Free version available at iMindMap.com.au)

QUESTION: –   Note down any questions or things to research later.
What is one great question that will honour the speaker?

REVIEW: –   Review/clean up Mind Maps and notes to lock into long term memory.
What was of most value?

PLAN: –   Plan to put the new skills, knowledge/insights into action.
What will I do when I get back to work/home?

ACTION: –   Do something with what you’ve learnt ASAP!
What are key action items? Who needs to do what?
How can I convert the information into value?
Often the best way to learn is to share/teach what you have just learnt.